Been rethinking a bit about the “ideal retirement”. I heard from older friends who retired that they are equally busy, if not busier, after they retire. Not the same activities, but busy nonetheless on different set of activities.
I sometimes wonder, if I retire, what will I do to keep busy. But then I wonder, do I need to keep busy?
I don’t. That is the point of retirement.
Here is a note to myself.
Don’t aim to be busy. Busyness is a by-product, not a purpose.
I am not sure that productivity is a good aim, either. Productivity is also a by-product. It is a measure of output versus input in a given process.
Making more money would be really nice, but where do I draw the line and say “this is enough”? Money is not the end goal. Money is a tool to accomplish an objective.
I think a better aim is impact, or outcome.
It does not have to be big. Nor does it need to affect many people.
It only needs to have the intended impact / outcome, even if only for one single person.
Don’t just do something. Invest time and energy to clarify the intended impact / outcome before doing “something”.
Once the doing is under way, take time to observe.
Don’t be afraid to admit being wrong. Maybe the intended impact / outcome was incorrectly understood. If wrong, pivot. That is better than to keep going on the wrong path.
The destination is important. But if there is no joy in the journey, then I may give up and not be able to reach the destination.
There are many roads that lead to the destination (i.e. the intended impact / outcome). Find one that is enjoyable.
Make an impact. Joyfully.
Have a great day.
Disclaimer: Anything I share is not intended as financial advice; I am merely sharing personal opinions and experiences. The information is of general nature and you should only use it as a place to start your own research and you certainly should do your own due diligence. You ought to seek professional financial advice before making any decisions.